Stripe is one of the most powerful payment processors on the market and let’s you receive credit card payments on your account without the risk of storing and processing credit card numbers. Their integration is easy and you don’t need to provide us any access to this. All we need are the API keys they provide once your account is set up.
There are four keys you need to find, 2 test keys and 2 live keys. This allows us to do test orders and ensure the purchase processes are working before we switch this to receive live payments.
Fees: Stripe charges different fees per country, however it’s usually very close to other options.
Step 1: Get your test keys
Once you have set up your Stripe account, click ‘developers’ on the top right corner and click on API Keys. You’ll see ‘test data’ on this page to show you are in test mode.
Click on the ‘publishable key’ – this will copy automatically.
Click on ‘reveal test key’ – click on the key to copy it automatically.
Paste both of these into an email to us

Step 2: Get your live keys
Click on the ‘viewing test data’ toggle on the top right of this page to see the live keys
Click on the ‘publishable key’ – this will copy automatically.
Click ‘Create Secret Key’ – you will see this within a popup box – copy it from here
Note: If you don’t copy it from here it will not show again, if you don’t get it, just delete it and create a new key.

Step 3: Send us the keys OR enter them into your website
Once we have these we can add them to WooCommerce Stripe Payments. If you’d like to do this yourself it is easy to do
Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > Stripe > Manage > Settings > Edit Account Keys
Enter each of the keys in this popup
Note: press save on each screen before going to the next one – if you enter the codes then click on ‘test’ it will loose the live ones

If you run into any trouble, never mind, just contact us and we will sort it out with you!