When doing set up and support it’s usually a lot faster for us to jump on your computer and log in as you so we can set things up.
Disclaimer: Never give access to your computer to anyone you don’t know and trust.
When possible, we use Chrome Remote Desktop for this. You can download and start the setup here – https://remotedesktop.google.com/
The steps to set up Chrome Remote Desktop on a mac
Windows instructions are very similar and we’ll post these soon!
It’s a few clicks but hopefully it will all make sense

Click the download button

Click ‘Add To Chrome’

Within your Chrome browser, click the ‘Extensions’ puzzle piece, and click ‘chrome remote desktop’

Click ‘share this screen’ to download the files – why they need two download pieces, I’ll never know…

Accept and Install

Open the downloaded file and follow the installation steps

Click ‘generate code’

Open Accessibility Preferences and follow the prompts

Ensure ‘remote assistance host’ is checked on each page, click ‘next’ once done.
Once done correctly, you will receive a ‘you’re all set’ message.
Final Step!
Generate Code – Jump back into remote desktop, and ‘generate code’. Send this on to us when we catch up, as it expires in 5 minutes.