Stock Management, Order Fulfilment, Shipping Costs and Order Tracking

Mainfreight WordPress Plugin

Looking for a fully integrated Mainfreight plugin? We were too, so we built it

While NZ Post and GoSweetSpot have in house plugins for their shipping, Mainfreight doesn’t. So we built one that combines the most common features.

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We’re looking for beta testers to trial our brand new plugin.

More Information

Stock Management

Mainfreight’s Warehousing API provides stock limits for you SKUs. Each product SKU can be checked against Mainfreight Warehousing to sync stock limits. Stock can then be displayed or hidden from customer view, with support for backorders etc.

Shipping Rates Estimation

Display shipping estimations at checkout based on the Mainfreight Shipping API to your customers.

Add a markup (%) on shipping costs that display to the customer.

With the shipping destination address, cost is calculated using the ordered products weight and shipping dimensions, and the estimate provided by the Mainfreight NZ Shipping API.

Mainfreight specifies the Mainfreight FAF (Fuel Adjustment Fee) is subject to change.

Order fullfilment

Customers orders are placed directly into Mainfreight.

Order tracking

Once processes, Mainfreight provides a Tracking URL which triggers the ‘order completed’ email and adds a button to this link.

We are looking for feedback on the best way to process these links to customers. We also plan to build shortcodes for this information, so it can be displayed within the My Account section.
